18 November 2020

From the Good Looking to Better Civilization

The discussion about good looking means discussing about good performance and contribution for civil society. In Islam, it relates to the role of the youth for the civilization. These youths prove their faith and be the real heroes with their contributions.

We have many heroes who set examples in terms of bravery and self-sacrifice throughout our Islamic history. These  young Muslim are inspiring.

Some of the heroes were young but influential.

Let me introduce you some of them in Islamic history, many of whom are unknown to many people. They contributed for spread of da'wah, Military and Interpreter.

1. Al-Arqam ibn Abi Al-Arqam (16 years old)

Though very young, Al-Arqam ibn Abi Al-Arqam turned his home into the Prophet’s headquarters for 13 consecutive years.

He helped to raise the first Muslim generation who protected the Prophet, defended the faith, and spread the da'wah.

2. Usamah ibn Zaid (18 years old)

Although he was only 18, he was qualified to be appointed by the Prophet as the leader of the last army he was dispatched before he passed away. 

The army was comprised of prominent Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon them) such as Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq and Umar ibn Khattab and many others.

The army was to confront the Roman army, one of the mightiest armies on earth at that time.

3. Zaid ibn Tsabit (13 years old)

Zaid was one of the scribes of the Divine Revelation. He was reportedly learned Syriac and Hebrew in 17 days and became the Prophet’s interpreter. 

Practicing until he perfected it, Zaid committed to the Noble Qur’an to his heart. He contributed to the compilation of the Sacred Word of Allah during Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq’s Caliphate.

Dr. Ali Al-Halawani in aboutislam.net criticized how our youth today are? What they aspire to do or achieve? I’ve heard some of the youth today speak of a few of these prominent figures with admiration, but sadly, many others have never even heard of them.

Our heroes are wonderful sources of inspiration; let’s read about them and learn from their courage and sacrifice. Make our youth today proud as good looking, good attitude and good contribution for their faith and society. With Islam, from the youth for the better civilization

* Budi Eko Prasetiya, SS

Mengenal Kuttab

Kuttab ialah Lembaga pendidikan anak-anak usia 5 – 12 tahun yang mulai diaplikasikan sejak bulan Juni 2012, yang kurikulumnya menitik beratkan pada Iman dan Al-Qur’an. Kurikulum yang dirumuskan dalam diskusi rutin sejak 5 tahun silam dan dijadikan modul-modul panduan dalam pembelajaran. Lembaga yang menggali kurikulumnya dari kitab-kitab para ulama berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan Assunah. Lembaga Pendidikan yang memprioritaskan tahapan pendidikan.

Konsep kuttab bukanlah hal yang baru, hanya sudah terlalu lama sejarah peradaban ini terbenam oleh debu-debu zaman. Al-Fatih berusaha untuk mengawali membuka kembali lembaran – lembaran sejarah itu yang terlipat. Maka lahirlah di tahun 2012, bermodal keyakinan berharap kebesaran.


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